QISS @ Bratislava, November 2018

QISS @ Bratislava, November 2018

The first meeting in the context of the QISS Initiative took place in November 2018 at the Congress center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences at Smolenice, about one hour from Bratislava. The opportunities for the cross fertilization of Quantum Computing and Quantum Gravity that were identified lead to the QISS grant by the John Templeton Foundation.

Program of talks

Dates and Venues

Welcome Venue
Wednesday 21 Nov 2018 @ Research Center for Quantum Information (RCQI),
Institute of Physics, Slovak Academie of Sciences, Bratislava

Main Venue
Thursday to Saturday 22-24 Nov 2018 @ Congress Center of the
Slovak Academie of Sciences (SAS), Smolenice
 (link), venue photo below

 List of Speakers

Pablo Arrighi ​
Eugenio Bianchi
Caslav Brukner
Andrej Gendiar
​Jakub Mielczarek
Robert Oeckl
​Ognyan Oreshkov
Carlo Rovelli 
Fabio Sciarrino
​Philip Walther

​Mario Ziman 

Marios Christodoulou