Loop Quantum Gravity and Quantum Information
Loop Quantum Gravity and Quantum Information
We summarize recent developments at the interface of quantum gravity and quantum information, and discuss applications to the quantum geometry of space in loop quantum gravity. In particular, we describe the notions of link entanglement, intertwiner entanglement, and boundary spin entanglement in a spin-network state. We discuss how these notions encode the gluing of quanta of space and their relevance for the reconstruction of a quantum geometry from a network of entanglement structures. We then focus on the geometric entanglement entropy of spin-network states at fixed spins, treated as a many-body system of quantum polyhedra, and discuss the hierarchy of volume-law, area-law and zero-law states. Using information theoretic bounds on the uncertainty of geometric observables and on their correlations, we identify area-law states as the corner of the Hilbert space that encodes a semiclassical geometry, and the geometric entanglement entropy as a probe of semiclassicality.