LOOPS’22 Summer School

LOOPS’22 Summer School

11-15 July 2022

Loops ’22 Summer School on loop quantum gravity, black hole physics and general relativity at the Luminy Campus, Marseille organized by the Quantum Gravity teams of the CPT Marseille and the ENS Lyon.

The Quantum Gravity teams of the CPT Marseille and the ENS Lyon are happy to welcome you to the Loops ’22 Summer School in Marseille from 11. July to 15. July 2022. After a virtual School last year, we are looking forward to organizing this school in person at the Campus Luminy of the Aix-Marseille-Université in the beautiful parc national des calanques.
The school covers the basics of Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) and related topics, with pedagogical introductions to some of the current research directions. The lectures will introduce spin network states, the canonical and spin foam approaches to the quantum dynamics, applications to the early universe and black holes, quantum information techniques for quantum gravity, numerical methods and possible numerical lab experiments on quantum superposition of geometries.

The school aims to introduce these sparkling and vibrant research topics. It is open to both students and researchers with no a priori background in background independent quantum gravity, and to those who know already the basics and want to be brought up to date.

The school is followed by the Loops ’22 conference on Loop Quantum Gravity at the ENS Lyon.

The school is supported by the Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime (QISS) consortium.

More information and registration on the school website: sites.google.com/view/loops-22-summer-school/.