Past events

Renate Loll
Radboud University NijmegenReally nonperturbative quantum gravity

I will sketch the toolbox and achievements of modern lattice quantum gravity, aka solving the full 4D Lorentzian gravitational path integral, using causal dynamical triangulations (CDT). It provides us with a long-sought window on physics in a near-Planckian regime, where geometry is highly nonclassical and not describable in terms of standard tensor calculus. With concrete answers to longstanding issues of how to properly implement diffeomorphism invariance, causal structure and Wick rotation, we are now focusing on interesting, approach-independent questions on the nature of nonperturbative quantum gravity and its observables. Based on results on the dynamical emergence of a 4D universe with de Sitter properties from first principles, early-universe cosmology may be our best bet in terms of quantum gravity phenomenology.

Fabio Sciarrino
Sapienza Università di RomaExperimental non-classicality in causal networks

Quantum networks are the center of many of the recent advances in quantum science, not only leading to the discovery of new properties in the foundations of quantum theory but also allowing for novel communication and cryptography protocols. It is known that networks beyond that in the paradigmatic Bell’s theorem imply new and sometimes stronger forms of nonclassicality. We will review some recent experiments addressing non-classicality in different network structures.

Flaminia Giacomini
ETH ZürichQuantum effects in gravity beyond the Newton potential from a delocalised quantum source

Understanding the fundamental nature of gravity at the interface with quantum theory is a major open question in theoretical physics. Recently, the study of gravitating quantum systems, for instance a massive quantum system prepared in a quantum superposition of positions and sourcing a gravitational field, has attracted a lot of attention: experiments are working towards realising such a scenario in the laboratory, and measuring the gravitational field associated to a quantum source is expected to give some information about quantum aspects of gravity. However, there are still open questions concerning the precise conclusions that these experiments could draw on the nature of gravity, such as whether experiments in this regime will be able to test more than the Newtonian part of the gravitational field. In this talk, I will show that a static mass in a quantum state gives rise to effects that cannot be reproduced using the Newton potential nor with a known classical model of gravity. These effects can in principle be measured by performing an interference experiment, and are independent of graviton emission.
Identifying stronger quantum aspects of gravity than those reproducible with the Newton potential is crucial to prove the nonclassicality of the gravitational field and to plan a new generation of experiments testing quantum aspects of gravity in a broader sense than what proposed so far.

Jonathan Oppenheim
University College LondonA post quantum theory of classical gravity

I will present a consistent theory of classical systems coupled to quantum ones via the path integral formulation. The dynamics is linear in the density matrix, completely positive and trace-preserving. We then apply the formalism to general relativity, since it’s reasonable to question whether spacetime should have a quantum nature given it’s status within quantum field theory. In the classical-quantum formalism, the measurement postulate of quantum mechanics is not needed since the interaction of the quantum degrees of freedom with classical spacetime necessarily causes collapse of the wave-function. Any such classical quantum theory necessarily has an experimental signature which can be used to test the quantum nature of gravity. I’ll conclude with an update on the current status of the program.

Christopher J. Fewster
University of YorkMeasurement in Quantum Field Theory: Problems and Solutions

Many presentations of quantum mechanics include a postulate that the state of a system undergoes an instantaneous change following a measurement. This is clearly incompatible with special and general relativity and raises questions concerning the description of measurement in quantum field theory (QFT). Attempts to extend measurement postulates to QFT by hand have produced pathologies, …

Christopher J. Fewster
University of YorkMeasurement in Quantum Field Theory: Problems and Solutions
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Borivoje Dakić
University of ViennaReconstruction of Quantum Particle Statistics: Bosons, Fermions, and Transtatistics

Identical quantum particles exhibit only two types of statistics: bosonic and fermionic. Theoretically, this restriction is commonly established through the symmetrization postulate or (anti)commutation constraints imposed on the algebra of creation and annihilation operators. The physical motivation for these axioms remains poorly understood, leading to various generalizations by modifying the mathematical formalism in somewhat arbitrary …

Borivoje Dakić
University of ViennaReconstruction of Quantum Particle Statistics: Bosons, Fermions, and Transtatistics
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Homodyne a DJ Quantum art show

The art show ‘Homodyne’ premiered on the 30th of June, 2023. The performance results from an interdisciplinary collaboration and explores how quantum entanglement and emergent properties of space and time affect the ontology of bodies in performance art.

Flavio Del Santo
University of Geneva & Constructor UniversityPotentiality realism: Classical and quantum indeterminism

We will discuss an interpretation of physics named “potentiality realism”. This view, which can be applied to classical as well as to quantum physics, regards potentialities (i.e. intrinsic, objective propensities for individual events to obtain) as elements of reality, thereby complementing the actual values taken by physical variables. This allows one to naturally reconcile realism …

Flavio Del Santo
University of Geneva & Constructor UniversityPotentiality realism: Classical and quantum indeterminism
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