February 2023

Paradox with Phase-Coupled Interferometers

A pair of interferometers can be coupled by allowing one path from each to overlap such that if the particles meet in this overlap region, they annihilate. It was shown by one of us over thirty years ago that such annihilation-coupled interferometers can exhibit apparently paradoxical behaviour. More recently, Bose et al. and Marletto and Vedral have considered a pair of interferometers that are phase-coupled (where the coupling is through gravitational interaction). In this case one path from each interferometer undergoes a phase-coupling interaction. We show that these phase-coupled interferometers exhibit the same apparent paradox as the annihilation-coupled interferometers, though in a curiously dual manner.

Relational superposition measurements with a material quantum ruler

In physics, it is crucial to identify operational measurement procedures to give physical meaning to abstract quantities. There has been significant effort to define time operationally using quantum systems, but the same has not been achieved for space. Developing an operational procedure to obtain information about the location of a quantum system is particularly important for a theory combining general relativity and quantum theory, which cannot rest on the classical notion of spacetime. Here, we take a first step towards this goal, and introduce a model to describe an extended material quantum system working as a position measurement device. Such a “quantum ruler” is composed of N harmonically interacting dipoles and serves as a (quantum) reference system for the position of another quantum system. We show that we can define a quantum measurement procedure corresponding to the “superposition of positions”, and that by performing this measurement we can distinguish when the quantum system is in a coherent or incoherent superposition in the position basis. The model is fully relational, because the only meaningful variables are the relative positions between the ruler and the system, and the measurement is expressed in terms of an interaction between the measurement device and the measured system.

Summing bulk quantum numbers with Monte Carlo in spin foam theories

We introduce a strategy to compute EPRL spin foam amplitudes with many internal faces numerically. We work with texttt{sl2cfoam-next}, the state-of-the-art framework to numerically evaluate spin foam transition amplitudes. We find that uniform sampling Monte Carlo is exceptionally effective in approximating the sum over internal quantum numbers of a spin foam amplitude, considerably reducing the computational resources necessary. We apply it to compute large volume divergences of the theory and find surprising numerical evidence that the EPRL vertex renormalization amplitude is instead finite.