December 2022

Do We Have Any Viable Solution to the Measurement Problem?

Wallace (2022) has recently argued that a number of popular approaches to the measurement problem can’t be fully extended to relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum field theory; Wallace thus contends that as things currently stand, only the unitary-only approaches to the measurement problem are viable. However, the unitary-only approaches face serious epistemic problems which may threaten their viability as solutions, and thus we consider that it remains an urgent outstanding problem to find a viable solution to the measurement problem which can be extended to relativistic quantum mechanics. In this article we seek to understand in general terms what such a thing might look like. We argue that in order to avoid serious epistemic problems, the solution must be a single-world realist approach, and we further argue that any single-world realist approach which is able to reproduce the predictions of relativistic quantum mechanics will most likely have the property that our observable reality does not supervene on dynamical, precisely-defined microscopic beables. Thus we suggest three possible routes for further exploration: observable reality could be approximate and emergent, as in relational quantum mechanics with the addition of cross-perspective links, or observable reality could supervene on beables which are not microscopically defined, as in the consistent histories approach, or observable reality could supervene on beables which are not dynamical, as in Kent’s solution to the Lorentzian classical reality problem. We conclude that once all of these issues are taken into account, the options for a viable solution to the measurement problem are significantly narrowed down.

Modelling quantum particles falling into a black hole: the deep interior limit

In this paper we construct a solvable toy model of the quantum dynamics of the interior of a spherical black hole with falling spherical scalar field excitations. We first argue about how some aspects of the quantum gravity dynamics of realistic black holes emitting Hawking radiation can be modelled using Kantowski-Sachs solutions with a massless scalar field when one focuses on the deep interior region $rll M$ (including the singularity). Further, we show that in the $rll M$ regime, and in suitable variables, the KS model becomes exactly solvable at both the classical and quantum levels. The quantum dynamics inspired by loop quantum gravity is revisited. We propose a natural polymer-quantization where the area $a$ of the orbits of the rotation group is quantized. The polymer (or loop) dynamics is closely related with the Schroedinger dynamics away from the singularity with a form of continuum limit naturally emerging from the polymer treatment. The Dirac observable associated to the mass is quantized and shown to have an infinite degeneracy associated to the so-called $epsilon$-sectors. Suitable continuum superpositions of these are well defined distributions in the fundamental Hilbert space and satisfy the continuum Schroedinger dynamics.

Spinfoams and high performance computing

Numerical methods are a powerful tool for doing calculations in spinfoam theory. We review the major frameworks available, their definition, and various applications. We start from $texttt{sl2cfoam-next}$, the state-of-the-art library to efficiently compute EPRL spin foam amplitudes based on the booster decomposition. We also review two alternative approaches based on the integration representation of the spinfoam amplitude: Firstly, the numerical computations of the complex critical points discover the curved geometries from the spinfoam amplitude and provides important evidence of resolving the flatness problem in the spinfoam theory. Lastly, we review the numerical estimation of observable expectation values based on the Lefschetz thimble and Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method, with the EPRL spinfoam propagator as an example.

Spinfoams and high performance computing

Numerical methods are a powerful tool for doing calculations in spinfoam theory. We review the major frameworks available, their definition, and various applications. We start from $texttt{sl2cfoam-next}$, the state-of-the-art library to efficiently compute EPRL spin foam amplitudes based on the booster decomposition. We also review two alternative approaches based on the integration representation of the spinfoam amplitude: Firstly, the numerical computations of the complex critical points discover the curved geometries from the spinfoam amplitude and provides important evidence of resolving the flatness problem in the spinfoam theory. Lastly, we review the numerical estimation of observable expectation values based on the Lefschetz thimble and Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method, with the EPRL spinfoam propagator as an example.

Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives on the Cosmological Constant

The (re)introduction of $Lambda$ into cosmology has spurred debates that touch on central questions in philosophy of science, as well as the foundations of general relativity and particle physics. We provide a systematic assessment of the often implicit philosophical assumptions guiding the methodology of precision cosmology in relation to dark energy. We start by briefly introducing a recent account of scientific progress in terms of risky and constrained lines of inquiry. This allows us to contrast aspects of $Lambda$ that make it relevantly different from other theoretical entities in science, such as its remoteness from direct observation or manipulability. We lay out a classification for possible ways to explain apparent accelerated expansion but conclude that these conceptually clear distinctions may blur heavily in practice. Finally, we consider the important role played in cosmology by critical tests of background assumptions, approximation techniques, and core principles, arguing that the weak anthropic principle fits into this category. We argue that some core typicality assumptions — like the Copernican principle and the cosmological principle — are necessary though not provable, while others — like the strong anthropic principle and appeals to naturalness or probability in the multiverse — are not similarly justifiable.

Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives on the Cosmological Constant

The (re)introduction of $Lambda$ into cosmology has spurred debates that touch on central questions in philosophy of science, as well as the foundations of general relativity and particle physics. We provide a systematic assessment of the often implicit philosophical assumptions guiding the methodology of precision cosmology in relation to dark energy. We start by briefly introducing a recent account of scientific progress in terms of risky and constrained lines of inquiry. This allows us to contrast aspects of $Lambda$ that make it relevantly different from other theoretical entities in science, such as its remoteness from direct observation or manipulability. We lay out a classification for possible ways to explain apparent accelerated expansion but conclude that these conceptually clear distinctions may blur heavily in practice. Finally, we consider the important role played in cosmology by critical tests of background assumptions, approximation techniques, and core principles, arguing that the weak anthropic principle fits into this category. We argue that some core typicality assumptions — like the Copernican principle and the cosmological principle — are necessary though not provable, while others — like the strong anthropic principle and appeals to naturalness or probability in the multiverse — are not similarly justifiable.

How to sum and exponentiate Hamiltonians in ZXW calculus

This paper develops practical summation techniques in ZXW calculus to reason about quantum dynamics, such as unitary time evolution. First we give a direct representation of a wide class of sums of linear operators, including arbitrary qubits Hamiltonians, in ZXW calculus. As an application, we demonstrate the linearity of the Schr”odinger equation and give a diagrammatic representation of the Hamiltonian in Greene-Diniz et al (Gabriel

How to sum and exponentiate Hamiltonians in ZXW calculus

This paper develops practical summation techniques in ZXW calculus to reason about quantum dynamics, such as unitary time evolution. First we give a direct representation of a wide class of sums of linear operators, including arbitrary qubits Hamiltonians, in ZXW calculus. As an application, we demonstrate the linearity of the Schr”odinger equation and give a diagrammatic representation of the Hamiltonian in Greene-Diniz et al (Gabriel, 2022), which is the first paper that models carbon capture using quantum computing. We then use the Cayley-Hamilton theorem to show in principle how to exponentiate arbitrary qubits Hamiltonians in ZXW calculus. Finally, we develop practical techniques and show how to do Taylor expansion and Trotterization diagrammatically for Hamiltonian simulation. This sets up the framework for using ZXW calculus to the problems in quantum chemistry and condensed matter physics.

Wald-Zoupas prescription with (soft) anomalies

We show that the Wald-Zoupas prescription for gravitational charges is valid in the presence of anomalies and field-dependent diffeomorphism, but only if these are related to one another in a specific way. The geometric interpretation of the allowed anomalies is exposed looking at the example of BMS symmetries: They correspond to soft terms in the charges. We determine if the Wald-Zoupas prescription coincides with an improved Noether charge. The necessary condition is a certain differential equation, and when it is satisfied, the boundary Lagrangian of the resulting improved Noether charge contains in general a non-trivial corner term that can be identified a priori from a condition of anomaly-freeness. Our results explain why the Wald-Zoupas prescription works in spite of the anomalous behaviour of BMS transformations, and should be helpful to relate different branches of the literature on surface charges.

Generic features of a polymer quantum black hole

Non-singular black holes models can be described by modified classical equations motivated by loop quantum gravity. We investigate what happens when the sine function typically used in the modification is replaced by an arbitrary bounded function, a generalization meant to study the effect of ambiguities such as the choice of representation of the holonomy. A number of features can be determined without committing to a specific choice of functions. We find generic singularity resolution. The presence and number of horizons is determined by global features of the function regularizing the angular components of the connection, and the presence and number of bounces by global features of the function regularizing the time component. The trapping or anti-trapping nature of regions inside horizons depends on the relative location with respect to eventual bounces. We use these results to comment on some of the ambiguities of polymer black hole models.