Papers New

Photonic Implementation of Quantum Gravity Simulator

Detecting gravity mediated entanglement can provide evidence that the gravitational field obeys quantum mechanics. We report the result of a simulation of the phenomenon using a photonic platform. The simulation tests the idea of probing the quantum nature of a variable by using it to mediate entanglement, and yields theoretical and experimental insights. We employed three methods to test the presence of entanglement: Bell test, entanglement witness and quantum state tomography. We also simulate the alternative scenario predicted by gravitational collapse models or due to imperfections in the experimental setup and use quantum state tomography to certify the absence of entanglement. Two main lessons arise from the simulation: 1) which–path information must be first encoded and subsequently coherently erased from the gravitational field, 2) performing a Bell test leads to stronger conclusions, certifying the existence of gravity mediated nonlocality.

Variational quantum cloning machine on a photonic integrated interferometer

A seminal task in quantum information theory is to realize a device able to produce copies of a generic input state with the highest possible output fidelity, thus realizing an textit{optimal} quantum cloning machine. Recently, the concept of variational quantum cloning was introduced: a quantum machine learning algorithm through which, by exploiting a classical feedback loop informed by the output of a quantum processing unit, the system can self-learn the programming required for an optimal quantum cloning strategy. In this work, we experimentally implement a $1 rightarrow 2$ variational cloning machine of dual-rail encoded photonic qubits, both for phase-covariant and state-dependent cloning. We exploit a fully programmable 6-mode universal integrated device and classical feedback to reach near-optimal cloning performances. Our results demonstrate the potential of programmable integrated photonic platforms for variational self-learning of quantum algorithms.

Experimental verifiable multi-client blind quantum computing on a Qline architecture

The exploitation of certification tools by end users represents a fundamental aspect of the development of quantum technologies as the hardware scales up beyond the regime of classical simulatability. Certifying quantum networks becomes even more crucial when the privacy of their users is exposed to malicious quantum nodes or servers as in the case of multi-client distributed blind quantum computing, where several clients delegate a joint private computation to remote quantum servers, e.g. federated quantum machine learning. In such protocols, security must be provided not only by keeping data hidden but also by verifying that the server is correctly performing the requested computation while minimizing the hardware assumptions on the employed devices. Notably, standard verification techniques fail in scenarios where the clients receive quantum states from untrusted sources such as, for example, in a recently demonstrated linear quantum network performing multi-client blind quantum computation. However, recent theoretical results provide techniques to verify blind quantum computations even in the case of untrusted state preparation. Equipped with such theoretical tools, in this work, we provide the first experimental implementation of a two-client verifiable blind quantum computing protocol in a distributed architecture. The obtained results represent novel perspectives for the verification of multi-tenant distributed quantum computation in large-scale networks.

A time operator and the time-of-arrival problem in quantum field theory

The Newton-Wigner states and operator are widely accepted to provide an adequate notion of spatial localization of a particle in quantum field theory on a spacelike hypersurface. Replacing the spacelike with a timelike hypersurface, we construct one-particle states of massive Klein-Gordon theory that are localized on the hypersurface in the temporal as well as two spatial directions. This addresses the longstanding problem of a “time operator” in quantum theory. It is made possible by recent advances in quantization on timelike hypersurfaces and the introduction of evanescent particles. As a first application of time-localized states, we consider the time-of-arrival problem. Our results are in accordance with semiclassical expectations of causal propagation of massless and massive particles. As in the Newton-Wigner case, localization is not perfect, but apparent superluminal propagation is exponentially suppressed.

Wigner’s friend scenarios: on what to condition and how to verify the predictions

Wigner’s friend experiment and its modern extensions display the ambiguity of the quantum mechanical description regarding the assignment of quantum states. While the friend applies the state-update rule to the system upon observing an outcome of her measurement in a quantum system, Wigner describes the friend’s measurement as a unitary evolution, resulting in an entangled state for the composite system of the friend and the system. In this respect, Wigner is often referred to as a “superobserver” who has the supreme technological ability to keep the friend’s laboratory coherent. As such, it is often argued that he has the “correct” description of the state. Here we show that the situation is more symmetrical than is usually thought: there are different types of information that each of the observers has that the other fundamentally cannot have – they reside in different “bubbles” (in Calvalcanti’s terminology). While this can explain why the objectivity of the state assignment is only relative to the bubble, we consider more elaborated situations in form of a game in which the players can switch between bubbles. We find that, in certain circumstances, observers may be entitled to adopt and verify the state assignment from another bubble if they condition their predictions on all information that is in principle available to them.

Hybrid Quantum-Classical Machine Learning with String Diagrams

Central to near-term quantum machine learning is the use of hybrid quantum-classical algorithms. This paper develops a formal framework for describing these algorithms in terms of string diagrams: a key step towards integrating these hybrid algorithms into existing work using string diagrams for machine learning and differentiable programming. A notable feature of our string diagrams is the use of functor boxes, which correspond to a quantum-classical interfaces. The functor used is a lax monoidal functor embedding the quantum systems into classical, and the lax monoidality imposes restrictions on the string diagrams when extracting classical data from quantum systems via measurement. In this way, our framework provides initial steps toward a denotational semantics for hybrid quantum machine learning algorithms that captures important features of quantum-classical interactions.

Boltzmann Bridges

It is often stated that the second law of thermodynamics follows from the condition that at some given time in the past the entropy was lower than it is now. Formally, this condition is the statement that $E[S(t)|S(t_0)]$, the expected entropy of the universe at the current time $t$ conditioned on its value $S(t_0)$ at a time $t_0$ in the past, is an increasing function of $t $. We point out that in general this is incorrect. The epistemic axioms underlying probability theory say that we should condition expectations on all that we know, and on nothing that we do not know. Arguably, we know the value of the universe’s entropy at the present time $t$ at least as well as its value at a time in the past, $t_0$. However, as we show here, conditioning expected entropy on its value at two times rather than one radically changes its dynamics, resulting in a unexpected, very rich structure. For example, the expectation value conditioned on two times can have a maximum at an intermediate time between $t_0$ and $t$, i.e., in our past. Moreover, it can have a negative rather than positive time derivative at the present. In such “Boltzmann bridge” situations, the second law would not hold at the present time. We illustrate and investigate these phenomena for a random walk model and an idealized gas model, and briefly discuss the role of Boltzmann bridges in our universe.

Princeton seminars on physics and philosophy

These are lectures notes prepared for a series of seminars I am invited to give at Princeton Philosophy Department in November 2024. They cover the conceptual structure of quantum gravity, the relational interpretation of quantum mechanics, the structure of time, its orientation and the openness of the future, the physical underpinning of information and meaning, and some general considerations on the fact that concepts evolve, on perspectivalism and anti-foundationalism.

Null Infinity and Horizons: A New Approach to Fluxes and Charges

We introduce a Hamiltonian framework tailored to degrees of freedom (DOF) of field theories that reside in suitable 3-dimensional open regions, and then apply it to the gravitational DOF of general relativity. Specifically, these DOF now refer to open regions of null infinity, and of black hole (and cosmological) horizons representing equilibrium situations. At null infinity the new Hamiltonian framework yields the well-known BMS fluxes and charges. By contrast, all fluxes vanish identically at black hole (and cosmological) horizons just as one would physically expect. In a companion paper we showed that, somewhat surprisingly, the geometry and symmetries of these two physical configurations descend from a common framework. This paper reinforces that theme: Very different physics emerges in the two cases from a common Hamiltonian framework because of the difference in the nature of degrees of freedom. Finally, we compare and contrast this Hamiltonian approach with those available in the literature.